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Bosch Engineering GmbHMotorsportRobert-Bosch-Allee 174232 Abstatt
Fax: +49 7062 911 79104
Bosch Engineering GmbH
MotorsportRobert-Bosch-Allee 174232 Abstatt
Tel.: +49 7062 911 9101Fax: +49 7062 911 79104
Bosch Motorsport France
32, avenue MicheletBP 168F-93404 Saint-Ouen Cedex
Tel.: +33 1 40 10 71 12
Robert Bosch Ltd
MotorsportUnits 5 & 6 NW03MIRA Technology ParkMira DriveNuneaton CV13 6DEUnited Kingdom
Robert Bosch LLC
Bosch Engineering North AmericaMotorsport
38000 Hills Tech DriveFarmington Hills, MI 48331-3417United States of America
Tel.: +1 248 876 2977
Bosch Engineering K.K.
Motorsports Department1-9-32 NakagawachuoTsuzuki-kuYokohama-shiKanagawa, 224-8601JapanTel.: +81 45 605 3032Fax: +81 45 605 3059
Robert Bosch Pty. Ltd
1555 Centre RoadClayton, Victoria, 3168Australia
Tel.: +61 3 9541 3901
Fax: +61 3 9541 7225
BEG/CN, Bosch (China) Investment Ltd.
333 Fuquan Road NorthChangning District200335, ShanghaiP.R.China
Tel.: +86 21 2218 1116